A key component of the mission of the New York State
Convention of Universalists is “To promote awareness and
appreciation of, and literacy in, both Universalist history and the
contemporary value of basic Universalist concepts.”
Toward that end, the Convention has published or assisted in the
publication of a variety of resources.
The World Religions Poster
The Charles Street Universalist Meeting House was created in
1949 by the Massachusetts Universalist Convention, led by the
Rev. Dr. Clinton
Lee Scott. Universalist
minister Kenneth L. Patton was
invited to take the pulpit. He accepted, and there he was
able to express his life-long passion for the visual arts,
bringing art of all religions and cultures into “a
religion for one world.”
(For more on the Meeting House project, see
the book by Maryell Cleary below.)
Brother and sister metalsmiths Ralph and Charlotte Edlund
designed 65 world religious symbols for display in the meeting
house and coached congregation families in constructing them
during Friday night work parties.
Fifty-five of the symbols are displayed at
the Starr King School for the
Ministry in Berkeley, CA; twelve of them appear on this
18x24" art-shop-quality poster.
Click on the image
to see a larger version, together with descriptions of the
A check for $10 payable to
NYSCU includes all mailing costs. Two additional copies in the
same mailing are $5 each. Order from Joyce Gilbert, 70 Harper
St., Rochester, NY 14607-3142. For further
information email Joyce
at .
The Universalist Heritage and
Remember Universalism Into Life
For many years the keynote address at the annual session of the
NYSCU was devoted to Universalist History, Ethics, and
Addresses from 1976 through 1992 were gathered into a handsome,
200-page paperback volume, edited by Harry Burkart, and published by
the NYSCU in 1993.
Individual essays are by
Dorothy Tilden Spoerl,
Ellsworth C. Reamon,
F. Forrester Church,
Gordon B. McKeeman,
Max A. Coots,
Christopher G. Raible,
Richard S. Gilbert,
Donna and Mark Morrison-Reed,
Kenneth L. Patton,
Brian S. Kopke,
Peter Lee Scott,
Cynthia Grant Tucker,
John A. Buehrens,
Carolyn S. Owen-Towle.
To accompany the keynotes, the Revs. Raymond Nasemann and Elizabeth
Strong developed a 65-page Leaders’ Guide for an 8-week adult
discussion series. This series has been used by dozens of UU
societies around the world.
As of summer 2005 approximately 150 physical copies of The
Universalist Heritage remain in the Convention archives.
Copies of the Leaders’ Guide are printed on demand.
Both are available, at a cost of $8.00 each, plus shipping, from
Michael L. Scott
54 Laconia Parkway
Rochester, NY 14618-2310
Alternatively, you may download the following
printable, searchable PDF files:
Both titles are
Copyright © 1993, New York State Convention of
Permission is granted to copy and/or distribute, with attribution,
for non-commercial religious or educational purposes, provided this
copyright notice is retained.
Martin Luther King, Jr.’s 1956 keynote address
At NYSCU’s annual meeting in Cortland, NY, the
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King delivered a keynote address entitled
“Non-violent Procedures to Inter-Racial Harmony.”
Download the
original article from the
Empire State Universalist (4.7MB) or the textual transcription.
Both are copyright © 1956, NYSCU.
Other NYSCU Keynote Addresses
Verdis Robinson, 2023:
Audacity of Universalism” (video only)
Gretchen Sorin, 2021:
and Boundaries: African Americans and American Jews”
(video only)
Susan Frederick-Gray, 2019:
Theology and Beloved Community”
(Also published in issue 4, 2019, of the Universalist Herald.)
Richard Gilbert, 2017:
“Ruminations on
the Meaning of Change: (Climate? Change?)”
Christana Wille McKnight, 2014:
With the Universlist Message of Love” (video only)
Christine Hart, 2013:
Borders—Living UU Values Through Service & Social
Also available in video:
Part 1;
Part 2.
Lee Barker, 2012:
for the 21st Century: The View from a Theological
School” (video only)
Dan McKanan, 2011:
Clarence Skinner: Rediscovering Early Universalist Radicals”
Richard S. Gilbert, 2009:
“The Missing
‘U’ in Unitarian Universalism: Our Universalist Heritage
and Its Meaning for Today and Tomorrow”
Non-NYSCU Addresses
Reclaiming Universal Salvation:
(Universalism: yesterday, today and tomorrow)
by The Rev. David H. MacPherson
Forward by the Rev. Gordon B. McKeeman
Funded by a 2007 grant from the NYSCU,
this book grew out of an address on “Universalism in the New
Millenium,” delivered in Nashville, TN, in June, 2000. It
aims, in the author’s words, “to learn what is behind
the use of the word ‘Universalist’ in [the name of the
Unitarian Universalist Association], and of what importance the
roots of that name ought to be for us and for the generations to
come.” Available from lulu.com. |
The Letters I Left Behind:
Judith Sargent Murray Papers Letter Book 10
transcribed and introduced by Bonnie Hurd Smith
In 2004 the NYSCU provided a grant of $2,000 to the
Judith Sargent Murray
Society to assist with publication of the first volume in a series
containing the collected letters of the distinguished 18th century
essayist and playwright, married to John Murray, the principal
organizer of American Universalism. Available from
the author
and publisher.
Letters of Love and Loss:
Judith Sargent Murray Papers Letter Book 3
transcribed and introduced by Bonnie Hurd Smith
In 2009 the NYSCU provided a grant of $2,000 to
assist with the second volume of the JSM letters.
This volume covers the years 1785 to 1789, spanning the death of
Judith’s first husband, her brief poverty and widowhood, and her
subsequent marriage to John Murray. Available from
the author
and publisher.
The Larger Message:
Universalist Religious Education’s
Response to Theological and Cultural Challenges 1790-1930
by the Rev. Dr. Elizabeth M. Strong
In 1995, Rev. Strong delivered the keynote address at the NYSCU
annual meeting. Her remarks, greatly expanded and developed,
eventually evolved into her D. Min. thesis at Meadville Lombard
Theological School. In 2003 the Convention provided a grant of
$4,000 to assist in the publication of this thesis as a
full-length book.
Available from the UUA
A History of Universalism in North Carolina
by Peggy Ward Rawheiser
This edition, supported by a 2007 NYSCU grant, updates and greatly
enlarges the book originally started by Dr. Harry L. Canfield and
completed by Mr. John E. Williams in 1963.
It is a history of the early Universalists in North Carolina
starting about 1740 and of all the known churches which they
formed. All of the records of the Universalist Convention of
North Carolina are summarized in the book. Some biographical
information is included on many of the leaders of the North Carolina
Universalist Churches. Also included is a history of all the
current Unitarian Universalist congregations in North Carolina, the
Universalist Convocations, and Shelter Neck Conference Center and
Camp Ground. Copies of the book may be ordered from:
Guild Masters Graphics,
P.O. Box 31184,
Raleigh, NC 27622-1184.
A check should be made payable to the “Universalist Convention of
North Carolina” For $24.95 plus $5 shipping and
To Live a Truer Life:
A Story of the Hopedale Community
written by Lynn Gordon Hughes; illustrated by Lindro
In 2003 the NYSCU provided a grant of $4,000 to assist in the
publication of this children’s picture book on the Hopedale
utopian community, founded by Universalist social reformer,
minister, and pacifist Adin Ballou.
Available from the
of Adin Ballou.
A Bold Experiment:
The Charles Street Universalist Meeting House
edited by Maryell Cleary
In 1949 the Massachusetts Universalist Convention, under the
leadership of Clinton
Lee Scott, set out to create a new
Universalist congregation in Boston, to model new forms of
liberal worship. They called as minister the Rev.
Kenneth L. Patton. Over the course of the next two decades Patton
wrote, and the Meeting House tested, an extraordinary wealth of
religous language, hymnody, symbology, and liturgy, literally
transforming the modern UU movement.
In 2002 the NYSCU provided a grant of $2,000 to assist in the
publication of this compendium of essays tracing the history,
personalities, philosophy, and enduring legacy of the Meeting
House project. Individual essays are by
David Bumbaugh,
Maryell Cleary,
James D. Hunt,
Charles A. Howe,
Kenneth L. Patton,
Peter Lee Scott,
Charles A. Reinhardt,
Charlotte Sawyer Fish,
Alan Seaburg,
Paul Sawyer,
Thomas R. Schade,
Alicia McNary Forsey.
Preface by Ernest Cassara.
Available from a variety of sources, including
American Universalism
by George Hunston Williams
Hunted Heretic:
The Life and Death of Michael Seretus, 1511–1553
by Roland H. Bainton
In 2000 the NYSCU provided a grant of $2,500 to the
Historical Society to identify and reprint significant books
on UU history. In 2002 this gift bore fruit with the Fourth
edition of Williams’s classic study. Preface by Charles Howe.
Available from Skinner
House Books.
In 2005, with proceeds from the sale of American
Universalism, the Historical Society was able to reprint
Bainton’s classic biography of the Reformation-era theologian,
physician, and Unitarian martyr.
Available from a variety of sources, including Amazon.com.
The Last Man Jailed for Blasphemy
by Stephan Papa
Abner Kneeland was a radical Universalist minister who was more
than 100 years ahead of his time in his pantheist theology and his
stands for economic and social justice. He spoke out for equal
rights for women and blacks, inter-racial marriage, and birth control
in the 1820s.
In 1998 the NYSCU provided a grant of $3,500 to assist in the
publication of this biography of Kneeland.
Now out of print, but available from used-book sellers, including
Universalism in America
edited by Ernest Cassara
In 1996 the NYSCU provided a grant of $4,000 to assist in reprinting
this classic collection of essays on American Universalist
Available from the

Last modified
November 27, 2023.
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