2013 Annual Report


The New York State Convention of Universalists

2012–2013 Report to the
St. Lawrence and Metropolitan New York Unitarian Universalist Districts

The New York State Convention of Universalists (NYSCU) awarded grants to nine groups and loans to three New York State congregations in 2012. In addition, NYSCU provides yearly service gratuities to retired ministers who served Universalist churches in New York State for a designated period of time prior to the 1961 merger of the Universalist Church of America and the American Unitarian Association—and to the surviving spouses of those ministers.

Grants in 2012:

St. Lawrence District as operating support $15,000
Metro NY District as operating support 9,000
St. Lawrence/Metro for Coaching for Health program 5,000
UUA Church of the Larger Fellowship for online intern program 5,000
Interfaith Impact NY for Democracy in Action E Advocacy 2,300
Murray Grove Association for John Murray Lecture @ UUA GA 500
1st Universalist Church of Rochester for leadership training 1,000
UU Church, Washington, VT, for workshop:
Preaching in the Universalist Style (extemporaneous)
NYSCU Lee Archive for materials preservation 1,000
NYSCU President’s discretionary fund 400

In the wake of Superstorm Sandy, $1,000 was sent to Murray Grove toward damage repairs.

Grants in 2012:

First Universalist Church, Southold, NY, for painting historic building $15,000
May Memorial UU Society, Syracuse for energy efficiency improvements 50,000
Pullman Memorial Universalist Church, Albion for major roof repairs 40,000

We recognize careful stewardship and timely repayments by loan recipients over the life of this program.

On October 13, 2012, the UU Congregation of Saratoga Springs hosted the NYSCU Annual Meeting. The Rev. Dr. Lee Barker, President of the Meadville/Lombard Theological School, gave the keynote address, “Ministry for the 21st Century: The View from a Theological School.”

Members of UU congregations in New York are invited to attend the October 25-26, 2013, NYSCU Annual Meeting at St. Paul’s Universalist Church in Little Falls, NY. Details will be posted on the NYSCU website.

Current officers of NYSCU are Joyce Gilbert, president; Tim Hart, vice-president; Tom Hackett, secretary; Margaret Maguire, treasurer, and trustees Judith Adel, Julie Alexander, Fred Boreali, the Rev. Lee Richards, Ruth Stewart, and Lisa Zeund-Misner.

Faithfully submitted,
Joyce T. Gilbert, NYSCU President

Unitarian Universalist Association

Last modified May 07, 2021.
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