2009 Annual Report


The New York State Convention of Universalists

2008–2009 Report to the
St. Lawrence and Metropolitan New York Unitarian Universalist Districts

The New York State Convention of Universalists was organized in 1825.  Today the Convention administers two large endowments.  One provides “gifts” for retired New York State Universalist ministers and their spouses; the other is used to promote the growth of the UU movement and to uphold the Universalist heritage.  The Convention, in addition appoints the majority of the Board of the Saint Lawrence Foundation for Theological Education, which uses proceeds from a third endowment to support students studying for the UU ministry. 

The 2008 Annual Meeting was held October 10th and 11th at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Poughkeepsie N.Y.  The Keynote speaker was Dr. Charlie Clements, President of the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee.  His keynote address was titled “How Universalist Values are Having an Impact in Every Corner of the World”.  Dr. Clements and the conference were very well received.  Opening Worship was led by the Reverend Kay Greenleaf.  Closing Worship was conducted by UUFP Intern Peggy Clark.  Workshops included: Keynote Round Table Discussions, Handling Disruptive Congregants, Stress Relief, Planning A Meeting??, Personal Invitation to Membership, and The Congregational Web. 

The NYSCU Board met on February 6th and 7th and approved the following grants and loans for 2009: 

Loans were approved for: 

Rochester Universalist—Building repair$40,000
Oneonta—Handicapped accessible bathroom3,000
Barneveld—ADA ramp access5,000

The Convention granted money for the following projects and support this year: 

Judith Sergeant Murray Society “Book 3” $ 2,000
St. Lawrence District “A Celebration: Birth & Growth of Unitarian Universalism3,000
Lee Universalist Archive Preservation 1,000
St. Lawrence District—operating budget 17,000
Interfaith Impact NYS “Democracy in Action Tier 1” 2,000
Evan Pritchard—“The Path We’re On” 1,000
UU Church of Reading, MA—leadership training 1,050
Church of the Larger Fellowship 4,000
NYSCU President’s Fund * 8,000

On the matter of Grants and Loans: totals available for grants and loans vary depending on the quality of proposals received and the performance of the endowment.  As of May 2003, NYSCU investment policy permits expenditure of up to 4% of the 5-year rolling average of the market value of the General Fund.  Outstanding loans are limited to 10% of market value.  This year the NYSCU had up to $43,260 available for grants and up to $83,943 available for loans. 

The 2009 Annual Meeting will be held October 16th and 17th at the First Universalist Church of Rochester N.Y.  The Keynote speaker will be the Rev. Dr. Richard S. Gilbert, Minister Emeritus of the First Unitarian Church of Rochester. His keynote speech is titled “The Missing U in Unitarian Universalism: Our Universalist Heritage, Its Meaning for Today and Tomorrow”. The Annual Meeting is open to all Unitarian Universalists and we warmly encourage you to attend.

We hope to see you all in Rochester, October 16th and 17th.

Fred Boreali, NYSCU Secretary
April 2009

* This line item was used to support the operating budget of the Metro NY District.

Unitarian Universalist Association

Last modified May 07, 2021.
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