The New York State Convention of Universalists
2000-2001 Report to the St. Lawrence and Metro New York Unitarian Universalist Districts
The Convention is pleased to continue its direct support of district programs, providing block grants of $11,000 to Metro NY and $17,000 to St. Lawrence districts. In addition to our ongoing support for each
district’s operating budget, in 2001 the Convention supported a special leadership grant of $5,000 for the St. Lawrence District.
The Convention has an outstanding loan of $50,000 to the First Universalist Church of Southold and approved a new $143,000 loan for the Unitarian Universalist Church of Amherst. In
addition, the NYSCU granted $78,165 for nineteen special projects. These include:
- a fifth year of UU participation in New York State Interfaith Impact
- continued co-sponsorship of the John Murray Distinguished Lecture at the UUA General Assembly
- capital improvements and international staff/camper scholarships at Unirondack
- continued support for the Unitarian Universalist Women’s Heritage Society
- purchase of the complete Universalist Leader from 1897-1961 on microfilm for the Meadville Lombard Theological School’s Wiggin Library
- publication of the history of First Unitarian Universalist Society of Syracuse
- training for Our Whole Lives. — Adults for ministers and Directors of Religious Education through the Iroquois Chapter of the UU Ministers Association
- workshops on leadership (North Country) and small group ministry (Albany area) arranged for and offered cooperatively by geographically close congregations
- implementation of “Soulful Sundowns” by the Unitarian Universalist Church of Utica
- additional projects that promote the growth of Unitarian Universalism
The Annual Meeting of the Convention was held this past November at the UU Church of Amherst, NY. The keynote speaker was Denise T. Davidoff, Moderator of the Unitarian Universalist Association. Workshops during this
meeting highlighted past grant recipients of the NYSCU, including Interfaith Impact of NYS and the Unitarian Universalist Women’s Heritage Society.
The 2001 meeting of the Convention will be held November 2-3 at the UU Church of Albany, NY. The keynote speaker will be The Rev. Jose Ballester, Associate
Director of Member Action of the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee While voting rights in the Convention extend only to representatives of the 23 member societies,
all Unitarian Universalists are warmly invited to attend, for a day of workshops, worship, and fellowship.
For further information about the Convention and our grants and loans opportunities, visit our web site at or write to NYSCU c/o Susan M. Shaw, 9A Evergreen Circle, Liverpool, NY 13090-3347.
Susan M. Shaw, Secretary 27 February 2001
The New York State Convention of Universalists was organized in
1825. Today the Convention administers two large endowments. One provides
pensions* for retired New York State Universalist ministers and their
families; the other is used to promote the growth of the UU movement and to uphold the Universalist heritage. In addition, the Convention appoints the majority of the Board of the Saint Lawrence Foundation for
Theological Education, which uses proceeds from a third endowment to support students studying for the UU ministry.