Index of /Archives/Universalist Memory Garden/Universalist Memory Garden BA-BL
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Babbitt, Henry 1927.pdf 2023-12-30 15:04 44K
Babbitt, Jessie (Hayes) 1937.pdf 2024-02-27 11:28 39K
Babbitt, Louesa (Millard) 1929.pdf 2023-12-30 15:02 42K
Babcock, Almina 1866.pdf 2016-05-27 07:19 44K
Babcock, Chester 1895.pdf 2018-06-02 13:33 81K
Babcock, Clarinda (Gorton) 1900.pdf 2019-01-26 15:37 77K
Babcock, Elizabeth (Piper) 1903.pdf 2016-05-27 07:19 44K
Babcock, Elwin 1953.pdf 2016-05-27 07:20 41K
Babcock, Etta (Downs) 1933.pdf 2016-05-27 13:17 52K
Babcock, George 1938.pdf 2023-10-31 13:55 48K
Babcock, Lucy (Smith) 1961.pdf 2018-12-31 12:40 81K
Babcock, Mae (Duell) 1925.pdf 2016-05-27 13:17 47K
Babcock, Matilda (Brazie) 1955.pdf 2024-01-28 19:39 41K
Babcock, Mayme (Wilder) 1925.pdf 2023-12-17 16:27 47K
Babcock, Oliver 1956.pdf 2016-05-27 13:18 43K
Babcock, Pearl 1960.pdf 2016-05-28 08:40 42K
Babcock, Worden 1851.pdf 2016-05-28 08:40 43K
Bach, Jean (Schiffer) 1908.pdf 2016-05-28 10:29 44K
Bacheller, Irving 1950.pdf 2024-05-18 18:49 118K
Backus, Clara (Wing) 1932.pdf 2016-05-28 10:29 44K
Backus, Foster 1907.pdf 2016-05-28 10:30 44K
Backus, Maria (Coleman) 1835.pdf 2016-05-28 10:30 44K
Backus, Ora 1940.pdf 2023-11-22 23:01 46K
Backus, Walter 1907.pdf 2024-05-31 13:29 40K
Bacon, A. Goodale 1913.pdf 2016-05-28 10:31 44K
Bacon, Addie 1932.pdf 2016-05-28 10:31 44K
Bacon, Charlotte (Macomber) 1908.pdf 2016-05-28 11:06 45K
Bacon, Howard 1946.pdf 2016-05-28 11:06 40K
Bacon, Lena (Green) 1943.pdf 2018-06-02 14:45 106K
Bacon, Mary (Krank) 1934.pdf 2016-05-28 11:06 43K
Bacon, Noah 1880.pdf 2016-05-28 15:37 44K
Bailey, Alice (Southwick) 1928.pdf 2018-06-12 13:10 79K
Bailey, Caroline (Hicks) 1918.pdf 2023-11-23 13:00 41K
Bailey, Elizabeth (Whitcomb) 1905.pdf 2016-05-28 15:42 47K
Bailey, Emma 1922.pdf 2016-05-28 15:43 41K
Bailey, Florence (Foote) 1956.pdf 2016-05-28 15:43 41K
Bailey, Fransania (Marble) 1907.pdf 2016-05-28 15:44 42K
Bailey, Ida 1940.pdf 2016-05-28 15:44 41K
Bailey, Jane (Sharp) 1895.pdf 2016-05-28 18:08 42K
Bailey, Julia 1938.pdf 2016-05-28 19:23 49K
Bailey, Lewis 1939.pdf 2024-01-12 11:40 42K
Bailey, Lorena 1934.pdf 2023-10-22 19:43 40K
Bailey, Louis 1954.pdf 2016-05-28 19:30 47K
Bailey, Volney 1940.pdf 2023-10-22 19:33 11K
Bailey, William 1893.pdf 2016-05-29 10:16 45K
Baird, Byron 1910.pdf 2023-06-01 15:53 43K
Baker, Alden 1878.pdf 2016-05-29 17:15 44K
Baker, Alice (Bond) 1944.pdf 2023-11-02 16:16 38K
Baker, Amelia (Judd) 1909.pdf 2016-05-29 17:15 56K
Baker, Andrew 1863.pdf 2016-05-29 17:16 45K
Baker, Angeline (Duell) 1915.pdf 2016-05-29 17:16 60K
Baker, Augustus 1914.pdf 2024-03-07 13:00 41K
Baker, Benjamin 1897.pdf 2024-01-12 12:06 50K
Baker, Carrie (Mesick) 1960.pdf 2016-05-29 17:17 41K
Baker, Charlotte (Durfee) 1910.pdf 2024-03-07 12:36 43K
Baker, Elmer 1878.pdf 2019-01-23 15:11 79K
Baker, Evelyn (Ackerly) 1963.pdf 2016-05-29 17:17 43K
Baker, Frederick 1945.pdf 2018-06-12 17:18 81K
Baker, George 1900.pdf 2024-05-31 13:43 44K
Baker, George 1903.pdf 2024-02-19 14:46 41K
Baker, Hannahette 1914.pdf 2016-05-29 17:17 43K
Baker, Henry 1895.pdf 2016-05-29 17:18 45K
Baker, Henry 1910.pdf 2016-05-29 17:18 42K
Baker, Howard 1932.pdf 2024-01-12 14:17 41K
Baker, Irene 1959.pdf 2016-05-29 17:19 46K
Baker, Iva (Converse) 1951.pdf 2016-05-29 17:19 41K
Baker, Jane (Eason) 1919.pdf 2016-05-29 17:19 43K
Baker, Jennie (Van Holland) 1931.pdf 2016-05-29 17:20 45K
Baker, John 1837.pdf 2018-06-12 17:21 81K
Baker, Lucy (Johnson) 1929.pdf 2024-01-12 14:29 42K
Baker, Mary (Hudson) 1910.pdf 2018-10-21 17:07 80K
Baker, Mary 1868.pdf 2018-10-21 16:34 78K
Baker, Minnie (Barber) 1930.pdf 2016-05-29 17:20 44K
Baker, Moses 1865.pdf 2016-05-29 17:21 45K
Baker, Nellie (Shaw) 1936.pdf 2016-05-29 17:21 41K
Baker, Nellie (Venton) 1927.pdf 2016-05-29 17:21 40K
Baker, Royal 1925.pdf 2018-10-21 16:57 83K
Baker, Thomas 1895.pdf 2018-10-21 17:16 77K
Baker, Thomas 1906.pdf 2018-10-21 17:17 79K
Balch, Adaline (Capron) 1854.pdf 2016-05-29 17:21 53K
Balch, Ella (Robards) 1943.pdf 2016-05-29 17:22 42K
Balch, George 1961.pdf 2016-05-29 17:22 44K
Baldwin, Fanny 1917.pdf 2016-05-29 17:23 43K
Baldwin, Frank 1918.pdf 2024-01-12 14:59 42K
Baldwin, George 1920.pdf 2016-05-29 17:23 54K
Baldwin, Hazel (Hopkins) 1963.pdf 2016-05-29 17:23 44K
Baldwin, Hubert 1957.pdf 2017-12-26 18:16 117K
Baldwin, Jonathan 1845.pdf 2018-10-21 17:09 80K
Baldwin, Leta (Zimmerman) 1962.pdf 2016-05-29 17:24 42K
Baldwin, Melvin 1916.pdf 2018-10-21 17:12 111K
Baldwin, Minnie (Allen) 1946.pdf 2016-05-29 17:24 41K
Baldwin, Philander 1949.pdf 2023-11-05 20:03 42K
Baldwin, Ruby (Beardsley) 1937.pdf 2016-05-29 17:25 40K
Baldwin, Thomas 1921.pdf 2018-06-12 18:55 73K
Bale, Cheerful (Sherman) 1959.pdf 2016-05-29 17:25 44K
Balkam, William 1915.pdf 2024-01-12 15:47 34K
Ball, Anna (Pelton) 1857.pdf 2018-10-21 18:08 81K
Ball, Burt 1925.pdf 2024-01-12 15:50 43K
Ball, Charles 1880.pdf 2016-05-29 17:26 40K
Ball, Edwin 1917.pdf 2018-07-06 18:27 80K
Ball, Frances 1917.pdf 2018-07-06 18:10 79K
Ball, George 1895.pdf 2018-07-02 14:25 78K
Ball, Harriet (Botsford) 1907.pdf 2018-07-02 14:47 82K
Ball, Henrietta (Pierson) 1917.pdf 2018-06-13 07:36 105K
Ball, Lyman 1854.pdf 2016-05-29 17:26 44K
Ballard, Sanford 1933.pdf 2018-06-13 07:38 81K
Ballou, Carrie (Payne) 1915.pdf 2016-05-29 17:26 42K
Ballou, Edwin 1904.pdf 2016-05-29 17:27 59K
Ballou, Mary 1885.pdf 2019-01-25 17:54 76K
Ballou, Maurice 1970.pdf 2020-04-25 13:12 114K
Ballou, Nina 1964.pdf 2016-05-29 17:28 41K
Ballou, Smith 1854.pdf 2016-05-29 17:28 45K
Ballou, Stephen 1833.pdf 2016-05-29 17:28 57K
Balty, Alice 1895.pdf 2016-05-29 17:29 45K
Bancroft, Ella (Simmons) 1944.pdf 2016-05-29 17:29 40K
Bancroft, Ethel (Firman) 1941.pdf 2018-06-13 07:40 80K
Bancroft, Harvey 1938.pdf 2018-06-13 07:42 80K
Bannister, Gaston 1912.pdf 2016-12-20 17:02 103K
Barber, Cero 1911.pdf 2016-05-29 17:29 41K
Barber, Elizabeth (Potter) 1907.pdf 2016-05-29 17:30 43K
Barber, George 1931.pdf 2016-05-29 17:30 41K
Barber, Josiah 1880.pdf 2016-05-29 17:30 27K
Barber, Roger 1967.pdf 2020-04-25 13:12 85K
Barber, Ruth (Van Dusen) 1893.pdf 2016-05-29 17:31 68K
Bard, Albert 1934.pdf 2018-06-13 07:47 84K
Barker, George 1922.pdf 2016-05-29 17:31 44K
Barker, Louisa 1864.pdf 2018-06-14 13:06 93K
Barker, Lucy (Bumpus) 1926.pdf 2016-05-29 17:32 54K
Barker, Martha (Baker) 1951.pdf 2018-06-13 07:52 77K
Barker, Mary (Veber) 1916.pdf 2016-05-29 17:32 46K
Barker, Rosalia (Risley) 1911.pdf 2016-05-29 17:32 40K
Barlow, Inez (Kingsley) 1948.pdf 2016-05-29 17:33 46K
Barnard, Lee 1930.pdf 2018-05-16 12:01 76K
Barnard, Sarah (Burr) 1930.pdf 2018-05-16 07:45 80K
Barnard, Stanley 1926.pdf 2018-05-16 07:56 78K
Barnes, Alma (Ireland) 1966.pdf 2020-04-25 13:13 82K
Barnes, Catherine (Boschert) 1928.pdf 2018-06-13 07:54 79K
Barnes, Hamilton 1919.pdf 2018-06-15 16:29 81K
Barnes, Henrietta (Ash) 1934.pdf 2018-06-15 16:31 77K
Barnes, Monroe 1935.pdf 2016-05-29 17:34 43K
Barnes, Sarah (Curtis) 1900.pdf 2019-01-27 14:40 81K
Barnes, Simeon 1910.pdf 2016-05-29 17:35 57K
Barnes, Thomas 1864.pdf 2016-05-29 17:36 47K
Barnett, Augustus 1913.pdf 2016-05-29 17:36 39K
Barnett, Elizabeth (Dickinson) 1847.pdf 2016-05-29 17:36 56K
Barney, Alvin 1910.pdf 2016-05-29 17:39 48K
Barney, C. Neal 1949.pdf 2016-05-29 17:40 44K
Barney, Charles 1911.pdf 2018-06-15 16:38 84K
Barney, Clara (Richardson) 1923.pdf 2016-05-29 17:40 45K
Barney, Delwin 1942.pdf 2016-05-29 17:40 44K
Barney, Margery (Faville) 1925.pdf 2016-05-29 17:41 43K
Barney, Maria (Horton) 1905.pdf 2016-05-29 17:41 44K
Barney, Martha (Horton) 1908.pdf 2018-12-06 15:55 79K
Barney, Milan 1957.pdf 2016-05-29 17:42 42K
Barney, Susie (Hall) 1922.pdf 2018-06-15 16:28 67K
Barnicoat, Alida (Neach) 1924.pdf 2018-06-15 16:41 78K
Barns, Thomas 1864.pdf 2018-10-19 14:06 84K
Barnum, Ezra 1878.pdf 2016-05-29 17:42 95K
Barnum, Laura (Pierce) 1911.pdf 2018-06-15 16:18 80K
Barnum, Linus 1942.pdf 2024-05-31 13:58 45K
Barnum, Mary 1918.pdf 2016-06-30 08:48 44K
Barnum, Odell (Rathbun) 1890.pdf 2023-11-05 20:30 41K
Barnum, Stephen 1875.pdf 2016-05-29 17:43 46K
Barr, Samuel 1871.pdf 2016-05-29 17:44 79K
Barrell, James 1896.pdf 2023-12-03 18:51 46K
Barrett, Adelaide (Van Allen) 1964.pdf 2016-05-29 17:44 42K
Barrett, Amos 1860.pdf 2016-05-29 17:45 50K
Barrett, Celia 1893.pdf 2019-01-02 18:09 104K
Barrett, Frederick 1921.pdf 2016-05-29 17:45 44K
Barrett, Gustavus 1914.pdf 2018-03-26 12:08 80K
Barrett, John 1902.pdf 2018-06-15 16:57 75K
Barrett, Martha (Cobb) 1910.pdf 2016-05-29 17:45 78K
Barrett, Philander 1880.pdf 2018-06-16 07:08 79K
Barrett, Rhobe (Barnes) 1917.pdf 2023-10-07 11:11 43K
Barrett, Rhoda (Barnes) 1917.pdf 2016-05-29 17:46 43K
Barrett, Sylvester 1918.pdf 2018-06-16 07:06 81K
Barringer, Henry 1874.pdf 2018-06-16 07:00 78K
Barrington, Elizabeth (Lewis) 1970.pdf 2024-04-07 18:29 45K
Barron, Elizabeth (Metzger) 1956.pdf 2016-05-29 17:46 54K
Barron, James 1905.pdf 2018-12-02 18:58 80K
Barrows, Deborah 1842.pdf 2016-05-29 17:46 46K
Barrows, Mary 1932.pdf 2018-01-01 18:09 106K
Barrus, Ellen 1925.pdf 2016-05-29 17:46 56K
Barrus, Nancy (Losee) 1891.pdf 2016-05-29 17:47 53K
Barry, Martha (Field) 1910.pdf 2016-05-29 17:48 44K
Barstow, Caleb 1880.pdf 2016-05-29 17:48 72K
Bartholf, Bessie (Reid) 1944.pdf 2024-02-25 14:41 43K
Bartle, Andrew 1906.pdf 2016-05-29 17:48 80K
Bartle, Chloe (Hicks) 1853.pdf 2016-05-29 17:48 45K
Bartle, Eliza (Cambers) 1895.pdf 2020-04-19 20:04 86K
Bartle, Henry 1833.pdf 2016-05-29 17:49 46K
Bartle, James 1863.pdf 2016-05-29 17:49 71K
Bartle, Philip 1861.pdf 2016-05-29 17:50 45K
Bartleson, Lester 1947.pdf 2024-01-12 19:36 45K
Bartlett, Ella 1934.pdf 2016-05-29 17:50 42K
Bartlett, Milton 1851.pdf 2023-11-06 16:45 43K
Barton, Emma (Roof) 1924.pdf 2018-06-15 18:06 79K
Barton, Peter 1925.pdf 2018-06-15 17:53 81K
Bartz, Ottellie 1932.pdf 2018-06-06 14:48 80K
Bassett, Cyrus 1900.pdf 2016-05-29 17:50 44K
Bassett, Laura (Clark) 1911.pdf 2018-07-02 18:15 79K
Bassett, Mabel (Thurston) 1957.pdf 2016-05-29 17:51 40K
Bassett, Melvin 1969.pdf 2020-04-25 13:14 78K
Bassett, Mina (Hibbard) 1922.pdf 2016-05-29 17:51 43K
Bassett, William 1889.pdf 2018-03-29 18:23 81K
Bastian, Frederick 1960.pdf 2016-05-29 17:51 44K
Bastian, Juliet (Snyder) 1961.pdf 2016-05-29 17:52 42K
Bastianelli, Harry 1934.pdf 2016-05-29 17:52 40K
Batchelor, Daniel 1893.pdf 2019-01-27 15:20 86K
Bates, Albert 1915.pdf 2023-12-11 14:38 41K
Bates, Arthur 1915.pdf 2016-05-29 17:53 79K
Bates, Charles 1928.pdf 2018-06-06 18:07 80K
Bates, George 1907.pdf 2018-07-30 17:16 79K
Bates, Horace 1904.pdf 2023-12-11 16:51 40K
Bates, Jane (Counrod) 1911.pdf 2016-05-29 17:53 45K
Bates, Lulu (Shaver) 1953.pdf 2024-01-30 20:46 40K
Bates, Mary (Piper) 1906.pdf 2016-05-29 17:54 41K
Bates, Nancy (Clark) 1913.pdf 2018-10-13 16:38 81K
Bathrick, Caroline (Lum) 1934.pdf 2016-05-29 17:54 43K
Bauder, Arthur 1948.pdf 2016-05-29 17:54 43K
Bauder, Catherine (Yerdon) 1918.pdf 2016-05-29 17:55 42K
Bauder, Edmund 1921.pdf 2018-06-15 16:14 79K
Bauder, Elizabeth (Moyer) 1965.pdf 2016-05-29 17:55 41K
Bauder, Elizabeth 1966.pdf 2020-04-25 13:15 80K
Bauder, Frank 1939.pdf 2016-05-29 17:55 45K
Bauder, Grace (Bellinger) 1946.pdf 2018-06-15 13:00 86K
Bauder, Helen (Hall) 1932.pdf 2018-01-02 19:24 84K
Bauder, John 1937.pdf 2018-06-14 23:48 79K
Bauder, Marjorie (Walrath) 1959.pdf 2016-05-29 17:56 43K
Bauder, Meeta (Devoe) 1956.pdf 2018-05-28 05:50 80K
Baum, Fred 1937.pdf 2016-05-29 17:57 50K
Baylis, Harriet (Sammis) 1912.pdf 2016-05-29 17:57 42K
Baylor, William 1916.pdf 2016-05-29 17:58 45K
Be Vier, Charles 1939.pdf 2024-01-12 20:37 52K
Be Vier, Florence 1948.pdf 2024-01-12 20:40 41K
Beach, Abel 1932.pdf 2024-03-12 17:22 42K
Beach, Albert 1942.pdf 2016-05-29 17:58 42K
Beach, Arad 1908.pdf 2016-12-21 07:22 87K
Beach, George 1910.pdf 2016-05-29 17:59 51K
Beach, Laura (Fuller) 1829.pdf 2016-05-29 17:59 47K
Beach, Melia 1968.pdf 2020-04-25 13:16 82K
Beach, Rachel 1845.pdf 2016-05-30 08:15 48K
Beach, William 1890.pdf 2024-01-12 20:55 42K
Beacham, Thomas 1934.pdf 2023-12-29 15:57 41K
Beacham, Uretta (Holmes) 1938.pdf 2023-12-29 15:55 38K
Beadle, Carrie (Loomis) 1954.pdf 2016-05-30 08:16 42K
Beadle, Elizabeth (Fort) 1917.pdf 2016-05-30 08:16 40K
Beadle, George 1917.pdf 2023-12-12 16:24 44K
Beam, Fern (Briggs) 1969.pdf 2020-04-25 13:16 82K
Beardsley, Obadiah 1841.pdf 2016-05-30 08:16 89K
Beardsley, Sarah (McMillan) 1964.pdf 2024-01-12 21:16 42K
Beasock, Lydia (Fox) 1955.pdf 2024-01-28 20:00 47K
Beatty, Harry 1929.pdf 2016-05-30 08:17 40K
Beatty, Helen (Williams) 1932.pdf 2016-05-30 08:17 53K
Beaumont, Hartford 1962.pdf 2016-05-30 08:20 79K
Bebee, George 1940.pdf 2018-06-15 17:30 78K
Beck, Elma (Green) 1945.pdf 2016-05-30 08:20 43K
Beck, Harry 1947.pdf 2016-05-30 08:20 44K
Becker, Thirza (Hawkins) 1832.pdf 2016-05-30 08:21 45K
Bedell, Mary 1916.pdf 2016-05-30 08:22 42K
Beden, Delina 1932.pdf 2024-01-13 09:52 40K
Beden, Sally 1911.pdf 2024-01-13 09:53 39K
Bedworth, Anna (Herkimer) 1932.pdf 2016-05-30 14:11 44K
Beebe, Solomon 1830.pdf 2016-05-30 14:11 56K
Beebe, Susan (Blanding) 1891.pdf 2016-05-30 14:12 49K
Beeby, Catherine (Devendorf) 1922.pdf 2024-02-09 17:43 42K
Beeby, Fred 1942.pdf 2024-02-09 18:11 39K
Beeby, Georgia (VanLiew) 1955.pdf 2016-05-30 14:12 43K
Beeby, Henry 1966.pdf 2020-04-25 13:17 80K
Beech, Eldad 1856.pdf 2016-05-30 14:13 54K
Beecher, Anna (Blair) 1928.pdf 2017-12-26 20:48 81K
Beeker, Thirza (Hawkins) 1832.pdf 2016-05-30 14:13 56K
Beekman, Catherine (Griffiths) 1921.pdf 2018-06-16 07:17 76K
Beekman, William 1939.pdf 2016-05-30 14:13 45K
Beers, Edward 1832.pdf 2016-05-30 14:14 46K
Beilby, Eliza 1890.pdf 2016-05-30 14:14 42K
Belcher, Willard 1958.pdf 2016-05-30 14:14 53K
Belfield, Elsie 1911.pdf 2016-05-30 14:15 42K
Belknap, Juliana (Brayton) 1834.pdf 2016-05-30 14:15 45K
Bell, Carrie (Steele) 1957.pdf 2016-05-30 14:16 44K
Bell, Charles 1941.pdf 2016-05-30 14:16 46K
Bell, Elizabeth (Clark) 1927.pdf 2018-06-16 07:20 102K
Bell, Minnie (Bailey) 1969.pdf 2020-04-25 13:17 85K
Bell, Ralph 1933.pdf 2016-05-30 14:16 42K
Bell, Susan (Brown) 1919.pdf 2016-05-30 14:17 42K
Bellinger, Anna (Eldridge) 1917.pdf 2016-05-30 14:17 42K
Bellinger, Charlotte 1931.pdf 2016-05-30 14:17 43K
Bellinger, Christopher 1897.pdf 2016-05-30 14:18 55K
Bellinger, Cora 1969.pdf 2020-04-25 13:18 80K
Bellinger, Cory 1940.pdf 2018-05-07 17:16 77K
Bellinger, Ella 1940.pdf 2016-05-30 14:18 43K
Bellinger, Elvina (Snell) 1892.pdf 2024-03-01 14:42 41K
Bellinger, Eva (Brown) 1953.pdf 2023-10-08 17:58 42K
Bellinger, Frank 1942.pdf 2016-05-30 14:19 45K
Bellinger, George 1940.pdf 2016-05-30 14:20 52K
Bellinger, Grace (Johnson) 1943.pdf 2016-05-30 14:20 43K
Bellinger, Hilda (Sticht) 1953.pdf 2016-05-30 14:20 41K
Bellinger, Jeram 1907.pdf 2018-07-29 16:19 80K
Bellinger, Julia 1917.pdf 2016-05-30 14:21 44K
Bellinger, Katherine (Ward) 1951.pdf 2016-05-30 14:21 42K
Bellinger, Mary (Graham) 1916.pdf 2016-05-30 14:22 44K
Bellinger, Minnie (Flanders) 1949.pdf 2016-05-30 14:22 42K
Bellinger, Raymond 1966.pdf 2020-04-25 13:19 85K
Bellinger, Theron 1920.pdf 2018-06-16 07:43 78K
Bellinger, Willis 1941.pdf 2018-06-16 07:41 82K
Bement, Emma 1923.pdf 2016-05-30 14:22 51K
Bement, George 1899.pdf 2024-05-31 15:10 40K
Bement, Heman 1876.pdf 2016-05-30 14:23 42K
Bement, Laura (Newhall) 1903.pdf 2018-06-15 18:46 80K
Bement, Mary (Brown) 1923.pdf 2017-02-03 17:26 79K
Bement, Selecta (Dryer) 1893.pdf 2018-06-15 18:54 79K
Bemis, Charles 1878.pdf 2016-05-30 17:16 43K
Bemis, Emily (Underwood) 1905.pdf 2018-06-16 08:02 81K
Bemis, Morilla (Spink) 1883.pdf 2023-11-23 09:14 53K
Bemus, Jotham 1902.pdf 2016-05-30 17:16 68K
Benedict, Anna (Reed) 1904.pdf 2018-03-23 05:17 79K
Benedict, Arthur 1950.pdf 2024-04-04 21:19 49K
Benedict, Charles 1899.pdf 2024-02-04 14:03 42K
Benedict, Charles 1927.pdf 2016-05-30 17:17 46K
Benedict, Dorleski (Andrews) 1923.pdf 2016-05-30 17:18 44K
Benedict, Ella (Holbrook) 1931.pdf 2018-06-16 08:05 79K
Benedict, George 1907.pdf 2023-12-27 17:21 42K
Benedict, Laura 1942.pdf 2018-06-16 08:08 78K
Benedict, Susan (Kelley) 1900.pdf 2024-02-04 13:19 37K
Benedict, Truman 1938.pdf 2016-05-30 17:18 40K
Benjamin, Harriet (Reese) 1867.pdf 2016-05-30 17:19 45K
Benjamin, Ledram 1906.pdf 2016-05-30 17:19 46K
Benkesser, Amelia (Edinger) 1928.pdf 2016-05-30 17:19 42K
Bennett, Adeline (Tuttle) 1947.pdf 2016-05-30 17:19 43K
Bennett, Albert 1832.pdf 2016-05-30 17:20 56K
Bennett, Dorcas (Coolidge) 1914.pdf 2016-05-30 17:21 44K
Bennett, Lyman 1855.pdf 2016-05-30 17:22 46K
Bennett, Roxy 1917.pdf 2016-05-30 17:23 40K
Bennett, William 1873.pdf 2016-05-30 17:23 46K
Bennett, Zadie 1930.pdf 2016-07-17 14:17 44K
Benson, Frederick 1872.pdf 2024-05-31 15:18 42K
Benson, Nelson 1876.pdf 2023-12-15 17:15 45K
Benson, Russell 1900.pdf 2018-04-16 19:18 82K
Benson, Seth 1914.pdf 2016-05-30 17:23 41K
Bent, Matilda 1901.pdf 2016-05-30 17:24 40K
Bentley, Augusta (Wilkinson) 1901.pdf 2018-06-16 13:27 77K
Bentley, Orville 1903.pdf 2019-01-13 17:19 79K
Bentley, Rosie 1932.pdf 2016-05-30 17:24 42K
Bently, Isaac 1863.pdf 2016-05-30 17:25 44K
Bents, Byron 1957.pdf 2016-05-30 17:25 49K
Bergener, Charles 1924.pdf 2016-05-30 17:26 48K
Berry, Ann (Heath) 1891.pdf 2016-05-30 17:26 55K
Berry, Carlton 1959.pdf 2016-06-06 10:01 40K
Berry, M. Stella 1930.pdf 2018-06-16 15:11 78K
Berry, Scott 1910.pdf 2024-04-08 13:48 41K
Berryman, Ella 1951.pdf 2016-05-30 17:26 41K
Bertholf, Eldora (Card) 1961.pdf 2016-05-30 17:26 43K
Berzee, Margaret (Walrath) 1932.pdf 2018-06-16 15:27 82K
Best, Elizabeth 1932.pdf 2016-05-30 17:27 39K
Best, Frederick 1928.pdf 2018-06-16 15:28 78K
Bettis, Aaron 1902.pdf 2016-05-30 17:27 52K
Bettis, Henry 1898.pdf 2016-05-30 17:27 54K
Betts, C. Fred 1954.pdf 2016-05-30 17:28 43K
Betts, James 1927.pdf 2016-05-30 17:28 42K
Betts, Mary (Browning) 1938.pdf 2016-05-30 17:29 84K
Betts, Sarah (Clum) 1897.pdf 2018-07-08 14:07 103K
Betts, Welcome 1913.pdf 2016-05-30 17:30 42K
Bevier, Charles 1939.pdf 2016-05-30 17:30 54K
Bevier, Florence 1948.pdf 2016-05-30 17:31 42K
Bickford, Azariah 1880.pdf 2016-05-30 17:37 47K
Bickford, Elvira (Perkins) 1893.pdf 2016-05-30 17:37 42K
Bickford, Emily (Watkins) 1914.pdf 2018-10-11 14:17 78K
Bickford, Hanna (Biddlecome) 1878.pdf 2016-05-30 17:38 41K
Bickford, Homer 1917.pdf 2016-05-30 17:38 44K
Bickford, Lyman 1900.pdf 2016-05-30 17:39 53K
Biddlecom, Sarah 1837.pdf 2016-05-30 17:40 45K
Bigelow, Maria (Foster) 1938.pdf 2016-05-30 17:41 41K
Biggs, Alpheus (Dillenbeck) 1876.pdf 2018-04-14 18:19 78K
Billings, Francis 1865.pdf 2016-05-30 18:33 42K
Billings, Joseph 1904.pdf 2024-01-08 17:15 46K
Billings, Lucy 1863.pdf 2016-05-30 18:33 46K
Billings, Mary (Blair) 1908.pdf 2016-06-30 17:40 43K
Billings, Myron 1894.pdf 2024-01-08 16:07 45K
Billings, William 1913.pdf 2024-02-12 17:38 45K
Billington, Albert 1920.pdf 2018-06-16 17:12 77K
Billington, Charles 1918.pdf 2018-06-16 17:31 78K
Billington, Harold 1958.pdf 2016-05-30 18:33 44K
Billington, Harry 1980.pdf 2023-09-06 15:40 42K
Billington, Jay 1929.pdf 2019-01-09 17:37 78K
Billington, Robert 1967.pdf 2020-04-25 13:20 83K
Bills, Harold 1965.pdf 2016-05-30 18:34 40K
Bingham, George 1840.pdf 2016-05-30 18:34 43K
Bingham, Myron 1921.pdf 2018-06-16 17:20 80K
Bingham, Nathaniel 1856.pdf 2016-05-30 18:34 50K
Bird, William 1909.pdf 2018-12-18 16:42 82K
Birdsall, Benjamin 1856.pdf 2016-05-30 18:35 54K
Birnie, Barbara 1849.pdf 2016-05-30 18:35 52K
Birnie, Martin 1873.pdf 2016-05-30 18:35 41K
Bishop, Elizabeth 1927.pdf 2024-01-26 16:37 47K
Bishop, Helen (Potter) 1949.pdf 2018-03-19 16:14 105K
Bishop, Luman 1879.pdf 2023-12-10 12:22 49K
Bissell, Luther 1918.pdf 2016-05-30 18:35 50K
Bitely, Peter 1888.pdf 2018-06-16 15:30 103K
Bixby, Carrie 1950.pdf 2016-05-30 18:36 52K
Black, Frank 1936.pdf 2024-04-13 11:12 40K
Black, Jennie 1893.pdf 2018-06-16 15:39 78K
Black, Loomis 1925.pdf 2016-05-30 18:36 42K
Black, S. L. B. 1902.pdf 2018-06-16 15:37 77K
Blackburn, Ernestine (Gray) 1968.pdf 2020-04-25 13:21 82K
Blackburn, Maud (Coleman) 1942.pdf 2016-05-30 18:36 53K
Blackman, Bertie 1893.pdf 2018-06-16 16:04 91K
Blackmar, Henry 1930.pdf 2016-05-30 18:37 43K
Blackmar, Jane (Tuthill) 1912.pdf 2016-05-30 18:37 39K
Blackmar, Joseph 1863.pdf 2018-10-21 15:34 92K
Blackmon, Frederick 1894.pdf 2018-10-17 15:40 77K
Blackmore, George 1925.pdf 2018-11-07 14:21 77K
Blackwell, Caroline (Collar) 1918.pdf 2023-11-24 18:10 39K
Blackwell, William 1919.pdf 2023-11-24 18:23 43K
Blair, Abner 1884.pdf 2018-06-16 16:06 81K
Blair, Frank 1945.pdf 2023-11-19 09:45 42K
Blair, Marenda (Mitchell) 1887.pdf 2018-06-16 16:12 78K
Blair, Minnie (Matthews) 1944.pdf 2023-11-19 09:56 40K
Blake, Maria (Cook) 1843.pdf 2016-05-30 18:37 47K
Blakesly, Mildred 1959.pdf 2018-11-12 15:30 78K
Blanchard, Eno 1884.pdf 2018-10-11 14:27 76K
Blanchard, Harriet (Skinner) 1897.pdf 2024-02-06 11:54 45K
Blanchard, Roy 1917.pdf 2016-05-30 18:38 56K
Blanchard, Sally (Harris) 1902.pdf 2016-05-30 18:38 55K
Blanchard, Sarah 1856.pdf 2016-05-30 18:38 55K
Blanchard, William 1915.pdf 2018-10-11 14:30 83K
Bland, Susan (Berry) 1938.pdf 2016-05-30 18:38 41K
Blanding, Freeman 1889.pdf 2016-05-30 18:39 56K
Blanding, Joseph 1885.pdf 2016-05-30 18:39 70K
Blanding, Lucy Beebe 1891.pdf 2023-09-06 15:42 61K
Blauvelt, Marion 1954.pdf 2016-05-30 18:39 40K
Bledsore, Frank 1914.pdf 2016-05-30 18:40 51K
Bliss, Ada (Freeman) 1897.pdf 2024-05-31 16:05 45K
Bliss, Clara (Shaw) 1958.pdf 2018-05-05 10:53 78K
Bliss, Elizabeth (Colby) 1915.pdf 2018-06-16 17:22 79K
Bliss, Elkanah 1845.pdf 2016-05-30 18:40 42K
Bliss, Emogene (Cramer) 1949.pdf 2016-05-30 18:40 43K
Bliss, Herman 1909.pdf 2018-06-16 18:14 82K
Bliss, Levi 1915.pdf 2018-06-16 17:25 81K
Bliss, Lucinda (Gifford) 1924.pdf 2016-05-30 18:41 44K
Bliss, Marguerite 1968.pdf 2020-04-25 13:22 82K
Bliss, Martha 1869.pdf 2016-05-30 18:41 54K
Bliss, Ralph 1949.pdf 2016-05-30 18:41 54K
Bliss, Roland 1941.pdf 2018-06-16 18:36 77K
Bliss, Seth 1907.pdf 2020-04-20 15:40 87K
Bliss, Volney 1942.pdf 2023-10-15 18:26 41K
Bliven, Frank 1911.pdf 2018-06-16 18:38 90K
Bliven, John 1920.pdf 2016-05-30 18:42 99K
Blodgett, Aaron 1845.pdf 2016-05-30 18:42 45K
Blood, Catherine (Dayton) 1909.pdf 2016-05-30 18:42 56K
Blood, John 1958.pdf 2023-09-06 15:42 48K
Blood, Luella (Barnhart) 1943.pdf 2018-06-16 18:40 79K
Blood, Maude (Merrill) 1961.pdf 2016-05-30 18:43 53K
Blood, Oscar 1910.pdf 2018-06-16 18:42 80K
Bloodough, Frank 1944.pdf 2023-10-19 12:41 42K
Bloodough, Jennie 1932.pdf 2016-05-30 18:43 42K
Bloodough, Nettie (Bloodough) 1934.pdf 2023-10-19 12:52 41K
Bloomfield, Allem 1903.pdf 2018-03-28 08:12 85K
Bloss, Charles 1954.pdf 2018-01-02 18:01 77K
Bloss, Elisha 1913.pdf 2024-03-15 19:11 41K
Bloss, Hiram 1907.pdf 2016-05-30 18:43 45K
Bloss, Jane (Brown) 1908.pdf 2016-05-30 18:44 52K
Bloss, Lois 1970.pdf 2020-04-25 13:22 81K
Bloss, Milton 1950.pdf 2016-05-30 18:44 40K
Blount, J. & N. 1838.pdf 2016-05-30 18:46 44K
Blowers, Blanche (Geesler) 1953.pdf 2016-05-30 18:46 43K
Blowers, Nettie (Sitts) 1939.pdf 2018-08-02 06:54 77K
Blunt, George 1883.pdf 2016-05-30 18:47 81K
Blunt, Martha (Fuller) 1970.pdf 2020-04-25 13:23 112K
Blye, Allen 1948.pdf 2016-06-06 19:56 42K